Batushka (PL), VLTIMAS, God Dethroned (NL)

Batushka (PL), VLTIMAS, God Dethroned (NL)

Batushka (PL), VLTIMAS, God Dethroned (NL)
Thursday 18:00
Concert Hall

Batushka (PL), VLTIMAS, God Dethroned (NL)

  • Metal

After a very busy concert year in 2023, Batushka spent the first months of 2024 producing and recording a new album. They plan to start promoting the new album in September. Although details of the album have not been revealed yet, it is known that the band will release it in September through Napalm Records. The band has announced that they will debut new songs, a new look, and a new show during their autumn tour. They will be joined by VLTIMAS, consisting of world-class stars who recently released the well-received album "EPIC", and the Dutch death metallers from God Dethroned. The first European tour dates include Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and the United Kingdom. The band will announce further dates soon, so stay tuned for updates on the autumn tour.

Event in facebook

Batushka (PL)

Batushka is a Church Slavonic-speaking Polish black metal band with liturgical chanting. The members keep their identities in secret, although rumours have spread that they are well-known figures of the Polish black metal scene.

Their 2015 debut album Litourgiya is a unique mix of the aforementioned black metal and eastern orthodox chants and atmosphere.

Litourgiya, 2015



  • Batushka
  • Batushka (PL), Schammasch (CH), Trepaneringsritualen (SE)


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